Giving You A Helping Hand
Midwives Australia provides midwives in private practice and continuity of care with support, advocacy and guidance. We recognise the gap in support for midwives working in continuity of care and have a goal to fill many aspects that are lacking in other organisations. Many aspects of the work of a midwife working in continuity of care, particularly in private practice are unique, and we believe that those who have practised in this way are the best placed to support others working in this way.
Midwives Australia has worked with many midwives pioneering their practices, in locations across Australia, to provide midwifery continuity of care to every woman. We are actively working to promote the place of midwives in Australian society and community.
The organisation is supported by consumers and is enhanced by educators, marketers, administrators and accountants who all assist midwives in generating successful practices and pivotal roles in their community.
Midwives with an endorsement for scheduled medicines are endorsed as qualified to prescribe schedule 2, 3, 4 and 8 medicines required for midwifery practice across pregnancy, labour, birth and postnatal
Private practice and a collaborative arrangement
A “Collaborative Arrangement” is a legislated requirement for midwives providing care in a Medicare-funded capacity. Whilst Midwives Australia recognises the importance of collaboration in the provision of care; we view